Tuesday, October 21, 2008

grammar mistakes of my first semester on univalle

insted of : how you spent......-
say or write: how do you spent....
insted of: my car don't work when it is cold
say or wrtite: my car doesn't work when it is cold
insted of: unorganized
say or write: disorganized
insted of: adress
say or write: address
insted of: nobody, but it seems lije she is loking for someone.
say or write: nobody,(but it seems lije she is loking for someone)

i know there will be a lot of more XD


Sandra said...

I would check some of the correct sentences for mistakes (how ironic is that?)
What about a little explanation on why those sentences should be said that way?
You're on the right track, girl :-)

Sandra said...

I was curious to read what you wrote on John's blog but saw nothing there :-(

Anonymous said...

Time is nothig
Time is everything
Time is just a word
Time is just time
But the time in not what you really think it is.
Do you know what time is?

Hey, nice to find you!
I just wanted to write something on you blog, I hope you like it.
Write me.